
First time: A present

This is the grandmother at the house I'm building.  Today she gave me a beautiful blouse.

First time: Where I work

Yes. I am building it.  I am part of a four-person crew -- a mason, the owner of the house, a volunteer from El Sauce, and me.  Funds for the house were raised by the Rochester organization, Four Walls. (And, yes.  I will be hitting you up for money.)  This house cost $1700.

I ride my bike to the site at 7:00 every morning with Pepe, the boss.  The place is about a mile from my house.  Don't ask me where I get the ability to haul bricks in the very hot sun.  I'm getting it from somewhere. Everything is done by hand with the simplest of tools. Pepe told me today there are 1500 bricks.

First time: Where I live

The window in my room.
My room
Yum! Three times a day.

Across the street from a restaurant where mariachi players strolled in from the campo (countryside) last weekend.  Xiomara, the senora of the house, said it happens every Saturday.  They moved too fast for me to get a picture, but I'll try another time.