
5th visit: Los Sabadinos

When kids have to work during the week, they go to school on Saturdays (sábados in Spanish) and thus are called sábadinos.
Darling Arelys Romero Mendoza

Darling Arelys Romero Mendoza is a sabadina who works in my house during the week. While I write blog posts and eat meals especially prepared for the gringa, Darling, like Cinderella, cleans up the dog shit, the bird shit, the rotting fruit that has fallen from the trees. She sings popular Latino songs while she washes laundry by hand and mops the floors. If no one is looking, she plays with Cristiana's toys.

Darling works in this house during the week and goes to school on Saturdays. She is 13 and was once a bufalito (see blog post below.)  Darling is pictured here with Sandra and Juan Lira, my host family, and Kathy Doughterty, my Cardinal Mooney High School friend.