
First time: Lunchtime language lessons

I teach English.  Pepe teaches Spanish.
The dictionary problem has been solved

First time: El presidente, la reina, y el general

So named by Richard

First time: Day 9 of construction

Walls = shade!

16 trips like this every morning to get water for the mortar

Little wire ties cut and twisted by me

First time: Asentaderas

Look it up: http://translate.google.com/. Mine ache.

The ride in the morning is over ruts and rocks while dodging every kind of animal, tractor, truck, and person.  The rules of the road seem to depend on where the shade is.

First time: Injury

This is not a work injury, nor a bike injury.  It's a fence-climbing injury.
Ugly thigh bruise. (Does ugly describe the thigh or the bruise?)

First time: People here smell so good

(Except maybe me.)

In the neighborhood where I work, the floors are dirt, there is no running water, and laundry is done by hand.  But I pass by dozens of kids on their way to school and all of them wear blinding white shirts and socks.  Likewise the babies in their cloth diapers.  It could be the result of detergents long outlawed in the U.S., but I prefer to believe it is Nicaraguan magic.

I go to work every morning in my filthy clothes from the day before.  Pepe and Richard, on the other hand, arrive scrubbed and smelling like Ivory soap. 
A woman getting water from the well